
Application Configuration

The following options can be defined for tinymce4-widget in your Django project’s file.

TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG – TinyMCE 4 widget configuration. tinymce4-widget provides a reasonable default configuration with essential editing capabilities, so you need to use this option only if you want to create your own custom TinyMCE configuration.


In tinymce4-widget the TinyMCE configuration is defined as a Python dict. The dict configuration is then translated to JSON configuration according to json.JSONEncoder rules.

Default configuration:

    'selector': 'textarea',
    'theme': 'modern',
    'plugins': 'link image preview codesample contextmenu table code',
    'toolbar1': 'bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify '
               '| bullist numlist | outdent indent | table | link image | codesample | preview code',
    'contextmenu': 'formats | link image',
    'menubar': False,
    'inline': False,
    'statusbar': True,
    'height': 360,

TINYMCE_SPELLCHECKER – enables spellchecker function for TinyMCE. For the default configuration it also adds a spellcheck button to TinyMCE toolbar. Default: False.


If you are using a custom TinyMCE configuration, don’t forget to add spellchecker plugin to your configuration, and add the necessary menu item/toolbar button. Also read Language Configuration subsection about how to configure the spellchecker.

TINYMCE_JS_URL – a path to TinyMCE JavaScript library. Default: The following example shows how to load the TinyMCE library from another location:


TINYMCE_ADDITIONAL_JS_URLS – a list of URLs for additional JavaScript files to be used with the TinyMCE widget, for example, custom TinyMCE plugins. Default: None.

TINYMCE_CSS_URL – a path to a CSS file with additional styles for TinyMCE. Unlike content_style and content_css TinyMCE settings (see Applying custom CSS), this CSS is applied to the TinyMCE widget itself, for example to correct the widget position on a page. The default CSS here is rendered from a template and used to correct TinyMCE widget position in Django Admin interface.

TINYMCE_CALLBACKS – allows to define custom TinyMCE callbacks, for example file_browser_callback or spellchecker_callback. This is a Python dict where keys are the names of callbacks and values are JavaScript objects as Python strings. Default: {} (an empty dict). Read TinyMCE documentation to learn about available callbacks.


Custom file_browser_callback and spellchecker_callback options defined in TINYMCE_CALLBACKS override tinymce4-widget built-in callbacks.

Language Configuration

By default tinymce4-widget uses LANGUAGE_CODE and LANGUAGES Django options to automatically set up TinyMCE interface language and available spellchecker dictionaries. That is why it is recommended to define both options in your project’s

LANGUAGE_CODE option defines TinyMCE interface language and writing directionality.

LANGUAGES option defines the list of available spellchecker languages. The first language in this list is used as the default one. The list of spellchecker languages also depends on available pyenchant dictionaries. For example, on Windows the default pyenchant installation includes only English, German and French spellchecker dictionaries. Read pyenchant documentation to learn how to add additional spellchecker dictionaries.

You can view the list available spellchecker dictionaries by running enchant.list_languages() function in a console from your working Python environment. For example:

>>> import enchant
>>> enchant.list_languages()
['de_DE', 'en_AU', 'en_GB', 'en_US', 'fr_FR']

Additional spellchecker dictionaries can be downloaded from this page. Unpack a .sox file using an archive manager, for example 7zip, and copy .dic and .aff for your language into pyenchant/enchant installation.


Django language codes in LANGUAGES must match dictionary filenames. For example, 'en-us' in LANGUAGES (with a country code) corresponds to en_US.dic/en_US.aff dictionary files, and 'uk' (no country code) corresponds to uk.dic/uk.aff dictionary files.

Also you can completely override TinyMCE automatic language configuration by defining the necessary language options in TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.